The Medical Cannabis Caregivers Directory (MCC is a public service Listing of Physicians and Caregivers who provide services under California’s Compassionate Use Act. More

California medical marijuana doctors are legal

California medical marijuana doctors are physicians that sometimes treat their patients' serious medical conditions with cannabis. They have been allowed to use this as a treatment option since 1996 with the passage of a state code commonly known as the Compassionate Use Act. This law allows patients to cultivate cannabis or obtain it from medical marijuana dispensaries and use it in an attempt to ease their suffering. It did not legalize marijuana use for nonmedical purposes nor does it allow California citizens the right to determine on their own that their conditions require treatment with cannabis. Furthermore, it does not tolerate unsupervised sales of marijuana. Because it is a state law, it has absolutely no bearing on the laws of any other state. California medical marijuana doctors and their patients are simply granted the right to attempt to treat conditions such as (but not limitted to) AIDS, cancer, glaucoma and even anorexia within the state without fear of punishment or prosecution.

Medical marijuana dispensaries are the legal source

Although the law does protect the patient's right to cultivate his or her own cannabis, there are many reasons why one may go to an outside source. The patient may be physically unable to grow the marijuana or the need may be immediate. Whatever the reason, if the patient chooses to buy cannabis then they must find a source among the many reputable medical marijuana dispensaries. If such a facility is not readily known, the Medical Cannabis Caregivers Directory provides Californians with free online search tool to find doctors in the medical marijuana program. Inclusion in the listing is voluntary and the Medical Cannabis Caregivers Directory does not guarantee that every resource in the state is included.